Hello Families,
- All Week: Join PTA We need PTA members. Can't make the monthly meetings? You can still be a member. Join at https://txpta.my.salesforce-sites.com/JoinPTA or send your dues attached to the PTA notice that will be going home thisweek. You can also stop by the front office to join!
- September 25: NO SCHOOL. Parent Teacher Conference Day. Teachers will be reaching out to schedule conferences to share data and classroom progress.
- September 26: PTA & CAC Meeting in the Dining Hall.
- October 5: Hispanic Heritage Celebration. All classrooms are working on Hispanic Heritage Projects. You should be receiving information from your classroom teacher.
- Breakfast ends at 8:00. Doors open at 7:20. School starts at 7:40. We do take students to class beginning at 7:30 where they jump right into literacy and breakfast. Breakfast is cleaned up and sent out by 8:00.
- MAP Growth Testing. MAP Growth Testing for K-5 is now complete. You will be receiving a MAP Growth Report Card this week (we weren't quite ready to get them out last week).
You can find this message along with plenty more on our website: normansims.org. Be sure to follow us on social media for a deeper look at all the great things happening: @NormanSimsLeader
Thank you,
Principal Salinas