A big thank you to our wonderful families for making the first week of school a success! It was truly heartwarming to welcome back all of our amazing Trailblazers. We have a lot planned this school year, and we’re excited that you are going to be a part of the journey.
Shoutout to everyone who made this week successful! We already have plenty to celebrate!
3 things to know…
1 - Arrival & Dismissal
- Our front doors open everyday at 7:20am. Tardies begin at 7:45am.
- Dismissal is at 3:15, and our priority is moving the car line.
- Early pickups stop at 2:45. We only dismiss students for early pickup when the authorized person is physically in the building to pick up.
2 - Food
- All students receive a free, nutritious breakfast and lunch daily. Menus are posted to our campus social media. They can also be found at www.schoolcafe.com
- Breakfast is served from 7:40-8:00 am in the classroom. Please see your child’s teacher to see if they need volunteers during this time. Lunch times are scheduled by classroom; please check with your teacher for the exact time.
- If it is not being used for teaching and learning, it should not be brought to school.
- We understand that some students may need a fidget or stress ball. Simply communicate this need with your classroom teacher for this allowable accommodation.
- All items outside of the classroom school supply list will be picked up and stored for safekeeping until the end of the day. For repeated cases, we may ask the parent to pick up the item.
- Exceptions to this include show-and-tell, teacher incentive/permission, or special celebrations.
- All exceptions should be communicated by the classroom teacher.
What are we learning about?
All classes from PreK to 5th grade are currently learning…
- Classroom procedures and campus expectations
- How to stay organized by using journals and other materials appropriately
- The fundamental components of their learning schedule
- How to collaborate with their classroom peers
Upcoming Dates
8/29 @ 3:30 - Campus Advisory Council & PTA Meeting - on campus
9/4 - Labor Day - No School
9/7 @4:30 - Back to School Night - We are requesting that only parents and guardians attend this event. This is an opportunity for adults to ensure we are all on the same page for student success! More details to come.
9/8 - Breakfast with the Grands - More details to come
9/25 - No School for Students - Parent Teacher Conference Day
Be sure to follow Norman-Sims Elementary on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @NormanSimsLeader. Check back at normansims.org to stay up to date!